DNS servers – what is it?

DNS servers are essential to the proper functioning of any domain. They tell the domain on which server (hosting) your web pages and e-mail boxes are located.

When registering each domain with us, you must enter its DNS servers.

If you do not know what servers to enter, you can use our standard DNS servers, which are:


You will be able to change these later in your Domain Management Panel. Please note, that for some Internet domains extensions, changing DNS servers may not be free of charge service. You can check the possible cost of changing DNS servers on our information pages of supported domain endings and countries.

If you want to add more than 2 DNS servers, contact us or enter the remaining servers in Domain Management Panel.

Additionally, always make sure that your chosen domain is correctly added to the indicated DNS servers. If the DNS servers respond incorrectly, the domain may not be delegated correctly, or worse, the domain may be delegated to the wrong DNS servers and re-delegation may incur additional costs.

The main configuration requirements of DNS servers:

  1. Creation of SOA files (adding the domain to the servers)
  2. Servers must be Authoritative
  3. There must be at least two DNS servers with unique IP addresses, these servers must not be synonymous (CNAME)

basic tool for validating DNS server configuration for a selected domain.

For most hosting providers, it is enough to add a domain to the server using the server administration panel offered by them (Direct Admin, CPanel). In some cases, it may be necessary to contact Customer Service Desk of your hosting provider and ask to manually add the domain to DNS servers.

With each change of DNS servers there is the so-called propagation time, i.e. a period of announcing the delegation of the domain to new DNS servers. This period may last even 24-36 hours and during this time your website and e-mail may be unavailable.

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