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Domains in the United Kingdom

British domains .gb

United Kingdom

local name:Great Britain / United Kingdom
ISO code:GB

British Domain Names

United Kingdom is a country located in Europe. Main domain extension used in the United Kingdom is .UK (ccTLD, country code Top-Level Domain).

Below you could find British domain endings available for registration. To register your desired .UK domain, key in full domain name in the search box above or click more about to view more information regarding the chosen TLD and registry regulations in the United Kingdom.

DomainRegistrationRenewalBrief regulations
British domains .uk .uk5,00 £9,00 £Required local admin contact. Offered free of charge

register domain .uk more about .uk

British domains .co.uk .co.uk7,00 £9,00 £No restrictions

register domain .co.uk more about .co.uk

British domains .me.uk .me.uk8,00 £8,00 £No restrictions

register domain .me.uk more about .me.uk

British domains .london .london38,00 £38,00 £Required connections to London

register domain .london more about .london

British domains .uk.com .uk.com38,00 £38,00 £No restrictions

register domain .uk.com more about .uk.com

British domains .ltd.uk .ltd.ukDomain unavailable

register domain .ltd.uk more about .ltd.uk

British domains .org.uk .org.ukDomain unavailable

register domain .org.uk more about .org.uk

British domains .plc.uk .plc.ukDomain unavailable

register domain .plc.uk more about .plc.uk

British domains .gb .gbDomain unavailable

register domain .gb more about .gb

British domains .gb.com .gb.comDomain unavailable

register domain .gb.com more about .gb.com

British domains .gb.net .gb.netDomain unavailable

register domain .gb.net more about .gb.net

British domains .uk.net .uk.netDomain unavailable

register domain .uk.net more about .uk.net

In case of any questions regarding domain name registration in location .us contact us!

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